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Yes I Will!

Virginia Maremont

In early 2021, Netflix release a movie called “Yes Day.” The premise was fairly simple. A Dad and Mom give their three children 24 hours where they won’t say no. What ensues looks like a crazy ride for the mom and dad. Personally, I have not seen the movie, but the concept did pique my interest. Not in the way you might think since my children are now adults and live on their own. But recently I have been giving some thought to the “Yes Day” premise, but on a more spiritual plain.

What if I gave God 24 hours of saying yes to whatever he asked?

Sounds simple right? Don’t we always say “yes” to God when he asks us to do something?

I think if we were honest with ourselves, we actually tell God “No” several times a day.

  • I’m too tired to do devotions.

  • I’m too busy to spend time in prayer.

  • I’m not going to give that person any money, they’ll just spend it on drugs or alcohol.

  • I don’t have time to help that neighbor today.

  • I know I have a bad attitude, but you wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had.

  • That person doesn’t deserve my care and concern, he’s never nice to me.

  • I don’t feel like worshipping or praising right now… things aren’t going as I had planned.

  • I don’t have the energy to take this call right now, I’ll just let it go to voicemail.

In and of themselves, the excuses above all sound reasonable and in some cases even legitimate. But what if, in each of those circumstances, God was asking something of you? What if the interruption of our otherwise busy day God was trying to get our attention and instead of answering him, we declined his call?

Let’s face it, we probably tell God “No” more than we think we do.

How do we put aside our wants and personal agendas and let God design our day? I'm not suggesting that we stay home from work or skip school. God is creative enough to use us where we are at any given moment. What I am suggesting is that instead of speeding through the grocery store at warp speed, colleting items on our list without ever making eye contact with another person, may be squashing any possibility of the "divine appointment" that God had for us on that grocery run.

How do we give God a “Yes” day? This is a tough one because I don’t believe there is one right answer. However, I believe that as we begin each day, we could start by committing our day to the Lord and inviting him to be an active part of it. This doesn’t have to be anything formal; it can simply be a prayer over your breakfast or that first cup of coffee.

There’s an older song we used to sing in church. It was titled “Trading My Sorrows” by Darrell Evans. The chorus of the song is a great way to practice this challenge.

Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes Lord, Amen

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and did something unexpected for God? Didn’t it feel great? Didn’t that feeling of accomplishment and joy stay with you for days? Imagine how you would feel if you made saying “yes” to God part of your day every day.

We live in a world that needs to know that God loves them and cares about them. Since we are the hands and feet of Jesus – his “boots on the ground” so to speak, we are the ones that God’s love needs to flow through. If we are too busy, too afraid or too cynical, how will they ever know? How will they ever feel the love of God through a kind word or tender touch? How will they know that God cares about the smallest details of their lives?

Saying yes to God is a scary prospect. I can guarantee that it will cost you something. It might cost you some of your time. It may have a financial cost to you. It might even bare an emotional cost. I can, however, tell you from experience that the benefits and the blessings outweigh the cost every time. Anyone who has said “yes” to God will tell you the same thing. I know, it’s difficult. It can be scary. It will absolutely stretch your faith. But the investment is always worth it.

Noah said “yes” and built an ark even though he didn’t live near the water and he had never seen rain. David said “yes” and walked out on a battlefield to face Goliath who was nine feet tall. Jonah said “yes” after he said no, then God showed him that yes was a much better option. He might not be a good example. Abraham said “yes” and uprooted his family to move to a place that God had not shown them yet. Daniel said “yes” when he prayed three times a day even though it was against the law. Mary said “yes” when the Angel presented her with God’s plan for the Messiah. Jesus said “yes” when he allowed himself to be crucified in our place.

These examples were indeed life changing for both the person who said “yes” and for those whose lives were impacted by that decision. We have that same opportunity today and every day. Each time we say “yes” to God, we are changing a life. Sometimes it’s our own life and sometimes is the life of another person.

This next week, pick a day or two day to be your “Yes” days. Purpose in your heart that whatever opportunity God presents you with, your response will be “Yes”. As you step out in faith, you will find that saying “yes” is much easier than you thought.

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