Happy New Year!
Today, 2022 has officially began.
Each year, at this time, people all around the world are setting goals and making resolutions with the hope that they will get in shape, lose those extra pounds or finally check an item off their bucket list.
While I understand the value of New Year’s resolutions, I’ve found that for me, I can’t ever get beyond the first few weeks much less a whole month. Then, it’s back to my same old habits and life choices.
Several years ago, I started instead, selecting a word for the year. Now, this word is not “Coffee”, “Cinnamon Rolls”, or even “Chocolate”. This word is one that specifically identifies something that I want to focus on for the year. Often this is also something that I believe God is working to develop in me. My word for last year was “Wait”. I wanted to focus on learning to “Wait in Anticipation”, Wait in His presence”, “Wait for His Timing.” A year later, while I find that I’m still not great at waiting, I have learned to pause, think, and even let an opportunity go as I wait for God’s timing on things.
In early December of this year, I started thinking about my word for 2022. As I dug into the Nativity story from the books of Matthew and Luke, I was struck by some of the people who sought out the Christ child. After reading about the Wise Men, the Shepherds, Simeon and Anna, I realized that I could learn a thing or two from these individuals. They were true seekers. Each had their own method, but each was rewarded by an encounter with the Messiah.
The prophet Jeremiah was given a message from God to share with the people of his time: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
The Wise Men spent years researching and learning about prophecies surrounding the birth of the Messiah. They then spent months on a journey hoping that what they had seen written in scrolls and in the night sky would lead them to the new King. Their diligent search paid off and they found themselves in the presence of the promised Savior.
While looking at their story, I had to ask myself, when was the last time I really sought out anything more substantial than my missing keys or phone. Yes, I seek to do God’s will, but it’s become more of a passive action than one of a more intentional nature. Let me say it a different way. In trying to live my life in a way that does not displease God, but default, I am living to please Him. Right? Wrong!
In Revelation 3:14-16, the apostle John addresses the church of Laodecia with a warning from God. “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
It appears that passively living for God is not really what God is looking for from His people
The definition of the word seek is to attempt to find (something), to attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something) or to ask for (something) from someone.
The word is a verb which indicates that it is an action. Not something you can do be default or by not doing something else. It’s something you have to choose to do.
Scripture tells us in Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Seek and you will find.
The one who seeks finds.
When you misplace your keys or can’t find your phone, you keep searching until you find the missing items. You don’t stop. You look everywhere. You retrace your steps. If necessary, you even ask those around you to assist in the search.
Remember Jeremiah’s word to the people? “When you seek me with all your heart…. ?
In Luke 24:18 Jesus tells a parable of a woman who had lost something she treasured.
“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.’” This story tells of a woman who searched with all her heart and was rewarded accordingly.
Knowing the importance I put on tangible things, how much more importance should I put on spiritual things? When did I stop seeking and become content with just being?
By now, you’ve probably guessed that my word for 2022 is SEEK.
God is calling me to a deeper walk with Him in the coming year, and that starts with me learning how to stop the busyness of life, learn to be still, and seek His presence, seek His direction, and seek His heart.
2022 is a blank slate. A new beginning that is full of potential. What is your one word for the year? Is there an area that you believe God is asking you to grow in? Is there something God would have you pick up or even lay down this year?
I know there are things we want to do and places we want to go. The enemy would have us believe that it’s a questions of one or the other. We can’t possibly do both. But God’s word promises us in Matthew 6:33, if we seek Him first, all the other things will fall into place (my paraphrase).
Happy New Year. May 2022 mark the year where you allowed God to work in you and through you to accomplish something amazing.