This week Jon and I would have celebrated our 40th Anniversary. It would have been the celebration of a significant milestone in our lives. A celebration of not only the day we exchanged our vows, but also of the life that we have shared. Instead, this week, I am remembering a different milestone. One equally impactful in my life, but not as joyous – at least not for me, not yet. But even as I miss his presence and grieve his loss, those milestone moments we shared over the years still hold sweet memories that I cherish.
A milestone is defined as “an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.” Milestones are an integral part of our lives. They can include world events, births, deaths, marriages, graduations, first jobs, new homes, and other accomplishments all leave a mark on our lives and create memories, good and bad. They give us an opportunity, to look look back and remember how they impacted our lives. God understands the importance of those moments. Time after time, he instructed the children of Israel to build an altar or a standing stone to mark the significance of the event that happened in a particular place at a particular time.
Additionally, God created each of us with the incredible capacity to remember (some better than others). He knew that our memories would teach us, strengthen us, encourage us, bring us joy, and comfort us. A quick look through your family photo album or digital photo folder will take you back to the moment the photo was taken; especially if it was a milestone moment. Even Facebook and Google know the importance of milestone moments. Every week I get an email or text reminding me to check out a memory from a previous year. Those images have the power to stir the memories in my heart and mind.

As we approach the Easter season, I want to take this opportunity to move us away from the Easter Bunny and candy-filled baskets. For me, Easter has always been a time to remember and reflect. This year, as I pause to consider Easter and all that it stands for, I realized that Easter has its own set of milestones.
Looking back at that first Easter and the chain of events that took place, I pause at the central figure, Jesus. Often referred to as the Rock of our Salvation, the Solid Rock, a Fortress, the Foundation Stone, Jesus Christ had a life-changing effect on the world. Not just during his lifetime, but still today. He is still changing lives.
Even as I write this, my mind is flooded with the memories I have of my walk with Christ. Having committed my life to him as a young child, he has been my savior, my guide, my peace, my hope, my healer, my comforter, and yes, my rock. I don’t have any memories that don’t include his influence and impact on my life.
While I know that not everyone can say that. I do however know, that if you have a living, breathing relationship with Jesus, your life has been forever changed because of it. That my friend is a milestone.
As the Easter account continues to unfold in my memories, the next milestone I stop at is the cross.

Songs have been written about it. Artists have painted their interpretation of it. Hollywood has even tried to visually recreate it. Regardless of how hard they try, no one can truly convey the overwhelming reality of the cross. As much as we would all like to avoid it, the cross was a part of God’s plan. “For God so loved the world, He gave his one and only son, that whoever believed in him would not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
When I think of the cross, I think about the price Jesus paid for my sin. I remember all of the times I have fallen short and missed the mark. I remember the times I have struggled with my attitude and selfishness. I remember all of the times I’ve done things my way.
The cross holds a lot of memories for each of us, mostly bad ones. But as with other milestones, the cross creates an opportunity for us to look forward instead of backward. It makes it possible for us to stand before God blameless because Jesus took all our sin upon himself as he died on the cross. This is something to celebrate. This is a perfect example of how God turned something that Satan meant for harm and turned it for good.
Any journey back to Easter would not be complete without a final stop at the tomb.

When Jesus died on the cross, the enemy thought he had won; thought he had finally defeated God. In reality, what Satan quickly found out was that he hadn’t defeated anyone or anything. Jesus not only defeated Satan, but also defeated death, hell and the grave. Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning, silenced once and for all the enemy’s claim to power. Instead of a symbol of death, the empty tomb became a milestone of the resurrection power of the Almighty God.
That same resurrection power is there today for each of us. It is that same power that brings us from spiritual death to new life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, all things have become new.
The Milestones of Easter: Jesus, the Cross & the Grave, are all reminders of God’s love, God’s mercy, God’s grace, and God’s power. Spend some time over the next few weeks and remember. Don’t let this Easter pass by without celebrating the milestones and memories of Easter.
