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Do As I Say


When I was a teenager my father walked in on me smoking a cigarette and proceeded to lecture me on the evils of tobacco and told me not to smoke, all the while with a lit cigarette dangling from his own lips. I looked at my dad and said simply, “You smoke.” To that he replied, “Do as I say, not as I do!” I guess he really thought that would take care of things. I didn’t make a habit of coming unglued on my dad, but I just couldn’t let that one slide past! I told my father, “Not good enough! You can’t tell me smoking is bad for me while you’re doing it yourself. It’s not only ridiculous, it’s hypocritical!” And, made sure to light up another one before he left.

I suppose that might have something to do with my low tolerance for hypocrisy today (of which I am as guilty as the next person). In fact it seems to be simply part of the human condition, but it is not! Jesus never said, “Do as I say, not as I do.” No, rather he said, “Follow me!”, or in other words, “Even as I do what I say, (you) do that also.”.

Jesus never told us to do anything He didn’t do himself, whether it was washing the disciples’ feet, or touching someone who was considered unclean, or laying down His life for His sheep. He either backed up His words with actions, or He just went straight for the action.

I just got done reading Luke 6:20-49, and when you look at it through the lens of doing as Jesus did, or even doing what we say, it makes for some very sobering and challenging thought. Here is a condensed list, though I recommend you read the passage yourself at your first opportunity.

Jesus says, Do

Be happy in your poverty because one of these days you will be rich

Be happy in your hunger because one of these days you will be full

Be happy in your tears because some day you will have joy unspeakable

Be happy when people reject you and mock you because I never will

Love your enemies

Do good to the haters

Bless and pray for those who curse and abuse you for your faith in Jesus.

Turn the other cheek to the face slappers because great will your reward be in heaven.

Give what you have to whoever asks and don’t turn away.

Treat others as you want them to treat you, but if they don’t then do it anyway, because if you are only good to those who are good to you, what makes you any different from all the other "good" people of the world?

Let your love begin where everyone else’s has reached the end.

The list goes on, but the Jesus wraps up His thought by asking His disciples,

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and yet don't do what I tell you? Anyone who comes to me and listens to my words and obeys them—I will show you what he is like. He is like a man who, in building his house, dug deep and laid the foundation on rock. The river flooded

over and hit that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But anyone who hears my words and does not obey them is like a man who built his house without laying a foundation; when the flood hit that house it fell at once—and what a terrible crash that was!” Luke6:46-49

He's right! Why do we do that? We are living in a day when many people seem to think that the best way to make an enthusiastic Christian leave them alone, is to say “I believe!”, but Christians do the same thing to each other! Personally, I believe that if Jesus were here in the flesh today, He would respond to that remark with something like, “Okay, but talk is cheap!”

I understand that the list is intimidating. Some of the things we are asked to do seem impossible, but at the same time Scripture tells us that

“with Christ, all things are possible to those who believe (are fully convinced).”

And how will we know if we never even try? Do you believe what he says? Do you really? Or do you call Him, “Lord, Lord,”, but don’t do what He says? What kind of foundation is your house built on? Jesus is looking for a few willing people. He is looking for people who take Him at His word when He says, “Don’t just say what I do. Do as I say!” Mark 9:23

And then stand back and watch as miracles happen!

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